Greeting cards are one of those items that do not cost a lot but can make a big difference. Buying cards for a birthday, a thank you or congratulations is something my Mom has always done. I loved shopping with her to buy cards. Now as an adult and Mom I continue to buy cards as a way to keep in touch with loved ones and to send a Thank You. I have many treasured cards that I have received over the years from loved ones. I even have a little card with Scripture on it that my Kindergartner teacher gave to me when I was 4. I have treasured that little card almost all my life. As a small child the Scripture spoke to me and I have made sure through all the moves and changes in my life that my little card stays safe with me.
I like to purchase greeting cards and stationary that has Scripture on it to share a little bit of God's word with someone I cherish and to maybe be the one that gives the little card that someone else might treasure. My husbands side of the family I always make sure to buy a gift or greeting card with Christian Scripture on it. I know for them it makes it much more special to have the Christian theme on it. It makes me feel good to send it too.
We usually grab a card at other stores while we shop for groceries and household products. I have more than likely purchased every Christian Thank You card at Walmart and needed new cards to send. We shop at Family Christian Stores mainly closer to holidays for cards and gifts. I will definitely be shopping there for DaySpring cards at least once a month. I did not realize the variety of cards available from DaySpring. There are cards by DaySpring that are only $0.99, Max Lucado cards, Peanuts cards, cards that a portion of the sale go to children's charities, and so many more. I liked the encouragement and thank you cards available. We have family that we send Thank You cards to at least once a month and it was wonderful to be able to find so many. I dislike sending the same card twice so I am always on the look out for new Thank You cards.
I have known that DaySpring makes great greeting cards, note cards and small gifts but I did not know the variety of other products. I even found Recordable Books that I was unaware DaySpring made. We have many Hallmark ones and these ones were a comparable price but had a Christian theme. My mother in law is having a birthday next month and the books would make a great gift. They also make mugs, tote bags, reusable cups, indoor and outdoor decor and even some cute Eco-Friendly themed items.
I went shopping for DaySpring thank you greeting cards and found many more great items. I found a DaySpring coffee mug ( I love coffee all day long!), some Peanuts thank you note cards ( I adore Peanuts items), note cards that I can send to cheer up someones day and a key chain that was on sale.
I looked online at before I went shopping to look for Home Decor ideas. We are? redecorating a few rooms in my house and I found some really nice stuff online. I looked for many of the items I liked in the store but could not locate them. I am glad to know I can buy them online. I like the DaySpring site, lots of great items for a good price. The sale section was my favorite, of course since I am a frugal Mom.
This Thank You card from the Colors of Compassion DaySpring line I purchased to send to a family member in Oklahoma. I love the colors and that part of the money for the card helps children's charities.
?The info on the back is great for the card recipient to read. Its nice to know that a greeting card your are receiving also helped others in need.
?This card from the Little Inspirations line will be for my Mother in Law. Its only $0.99! They had many really cute cards for that price. The price makes it easy to be able to send a card without having to wait for a special occasion. I would like to see even more Mom to Mom cards available, I think they are sweet.
This is the message that is inside the bird little note cards I purchased for $0.99. I will be sending one of these to my Grandmother in law in Illinois. She could use some cheering up.
?These Peanuts cards are beyond cute! I am going to send one to my Mom. She is the one who shared Peanuts with me when I was a kid. Its family tradition to watch the Peanuts cartoons for a holiday
This is the key chain I have had on my keys for years. I treasure this very much since it is beautiful Scripture and a gift from my Grandmother in Law.
?Since the key chain broke I now keep it in my wallet to bring it with my where ever I go.? I looked for a DaySpring key chain and some Jewelry but could not find any. I asked some of the employees but they were not sure either. They were nice enough to help me look and find other items.
My new key chain for my keys. It was a great buy being half off.
I really like my new DaySpring Mug. I am going to fill out my cards, mail them and come back home to have a cup of coffee to enjoy the rest of this beautiful Spring Day.
You can read my Google+ Story about my shopping trip to find DaySpring products at Family Christian Stores. I found so many great cards, notepads, stationary, home decor and movies during my shopping trip.
*This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias.
All opinions expressed in this shop are my own and your experience may vary. #Cbias #SocialFabric
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